Derek King
Education / Invovlement
University of Oklahoma
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Track and Field Team Captain / Athlete
Thru Inc.
Senior Full Stack Software Engineer
Led a successful migration of .NET Razer to a React/.NET stack, improving UX.
Designed multi-platform installer/updater, with graceful work draining and failure alerts/recovery.
Implemented a pub/sub architecture with RabbitMQ, enabling horizontal scaling based on demand.
Containerized internal services while also making them platform independent.
Systematized error handling, boosting system reliability and ensuring errored files can recovered.
Designed and implemented automated environment tests, minimizing regressions in performance and reliability.
Configured CI/CD, allowing rapid production hotfixes and A/B testing.
Centralized APM with ELK stack, enhancing monitoring and issue resolution.
ReactC#DockerRabbitMQELKCI/CDAzureAWSPower Costs Inc.
Full Stack Software Engineer
Designed internal React component library, standardizing cross-team implementations.
Worked in Scrum development team, participating in sprint planning, standups, and retros.
Implement unit tests for Java REST APIs, reducing development regressions.
ReactJavaSpringRUST Game Servers
Managed high traffic servers for gameplay, with game modes programmed in C# and Unity.
Developed custom assembly patches to optimize server performance, increasing server capacity to 600+ concurrent users on a single node and reducing server costs.
Worked with Charitable Rust to create in-game events to support various charities over the years.
Created web store with MERN stack integrating with PayPal API for in-game purchases.
Wrote Java based discord bot for cheating detection, ticket management and player moderation.